We Refresh

Partnerships cannot rest on their laurels.

Irrespective of what has been delivered in the past you should regularly scrutinise the potential benefits arising from keeping things as they are, changing focus or, if the situation demands it, ending the relationship.

We are proud that the strategic relationships that we set up have lasted the course. However we also have experience in adapting partnerships to deliver new benefits. This requires an understanding of what both sides want to get out of the renegotiation and how best to achieve it, without exceeding the parameters within which the existing partnership can operate.

Some partnerships can be renewed or extended by agreement. Before doing so we would recommend a full appraisal of potential options. If your current partnership has delivered against all the targets then maybe it’s time to aim higher.

We can support the development of an effective refresh strategy through

  • Refreshed Options Appraisal
  • Contract review
  • Negotiation Support
  • Exit Planning

For more information

Get in touch

If you would like more information please call or email us

07768 554527 enquiries@newnetworks.co.uk
