Commissioning Organisations

Our parents were born in an era where the public sector did almost everything itself. We grew up in a period where it was forced to open itself up to competition.

Our children are growing up in a time where a whole range of different externalisations, collaborations and partnerships are being created to deliver services as they are commissioned by the corporate and democratic core of organisations.

Setting up these new models can encourage entrepreneurial spirits, access new streams of funding or financial freedoms, but it certainly makes for a more complex organisation chart. Indeed maybe we should start to think of our public sector organisations as a commissioning core, surrounded by an ecosystem of strategic suppliers and partners and – yes – this includes retained/in-house departments and functions.

But in most organisations this ecosystem is not created as part of a structured ‘big bang’. Rather it is built up over time as new contracts are let and different service models created. Can you say with confidence that in your organisation, the key contracts and service agreements are completely aligned with your corporate goals? Are these relationships managed strategically or in individual silos? In short is your supplier ecosystem optimised to guarantee the delivery of your strategic objectives?

If not then you may be missing out on a tangible financial efficiency as well as the opportunity to reduce your corporate risk register. In just one local authority we found an opportunity to save £2m a year from a better management of its supplier ecosystem. There’s definitely more out there….

We can help you optimise

  • Contracts and governance
  • Performance management
  • Improve your clienting capability
  • The transfer of risk for delivering collaborative projects and commissions

For more information

Get in touch

If you would like more information please call or email us

07768 554527
