Environmental Partnerships

Everyone benefits from a clean, greener environment.  It is truly a universal service.

The collection and recycling/disposal of waste effectively, along with keeping streets and public spaces tidy, will always be amongst the highest profile public services in any area.

The economic and technological rationale for one approach or another to environmental solutions changes on a regular basis and according to geography.  But there are almost always substantial benefits to be gained by taking a fresh look at how your environmental services are delivered.

Private sector management and commercial freedom, allied to a more integrated service provision can reduce collection costs substantially whilst maintaining/improving services and allowing investment in modern facilities for treatment and recycling.

Our experience in the environmental sector is UK-wide and we have advised local authorities, consortia and central government on PFI projects, PPPs, renegotiations and strategy.  Our commercial and financial expertise is allied to an understanding of the market and the technical solutions available to you.

We can help

  • Identify options for addressing  collection, disposal/recycling and streetscene agendas
  • procure environmental solutions to meet your operational and financial targets
  • review and refresh existing partnerships in line with technology and market developments
  • provide modelling and commercial support to bidding consortia

For more information

Get in touch

If you would like more information please call or email us

07768 554527 enquiries@newnetworks.co.uk
