Public/Private Partnerships

Surely it will end in tears (or the courts)…..?

Well a few undoubtedly do and these are the ones that get the publicity.  Nonetheless there are many that have delivered excellent outcomes across the entirety of public service delivery.

The injection of investment, know-how and capacity that a good private sector partner can bring is undoubtedly something that can accelerate and improve the outcomes you are seeking to achieve.  Harnessing this potential requires a well-run procurement, equitably drafted contracts and a focus also on the sustainability and balancing of benefits throughout the relationship.

We are proud that the relationships we have helped to create have lasted the course.  Schools that our people have helped to procure are now helping to advance the education of thousands of pupils.  A refurbished civic office helped a recently formed Council to rationalise its disparate locations, bringing staff closer together to work more effectively.  A waste project we have now renegotiated to allow the Council to benefit from developments in technology in order to treat more residual waste closer to home and so reduce its environmental footprint.  All of these are quietly successful, long term relationships that we have helped to build.

We can help

  • Procure PFI Projects – from inception to financial close
  • Review, optimise and renegotiate schemes to meet new challenges and opportunities
  • Provide financial advisory support to bidding organisations, supplementing the team’s expertise with our understanding of life on the other side of the table

For more information

Get in touch

If you would like more information please call or email us

07768 554527
